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Our School

WCE school logo

Winston Campus is a community of learners whose mission is to foster the development of life skills centered around respect for self/others, respect for the school environment, and respect for learning.

Welcome to the 2024-25 school year!

Welcome to Winston Campus Elementary School!

Dual Language logo

Home of the Eagles!

Discover the power of bilingualism!

Winston Campus Elementary School is a K-5 Dual Language School in D15. Our Dual Language program immerses students in both English and Spanish from Kindergarten through Grade 5. Through engaging lessons and authentic experiences, students develop strong bilingual skills, critical thinking abilities, and build a global perspective.

Our dedicated bilingual staff create a rich learning environment where students thrive. Research consistently shows that bilingual students often excel in areas like problem-solving, creativity, and academic achievement. Our goal at Winston campus is for our students to: 

  • Develop high levels of language proficiency and literacy in both English and Spanish
  • Demonstrate high levels of academic achievement in English and Spanish
  • Provide students an opportunity to become lifelong cross-cultural learners

Visit our Two-Way (Spanish) Dual Language Program webpage for more information.

For more information about Winston Campus Elementary, please contact our office at 847-963-7500.

In this section:

Cristin DiRienzo

Cristin DiRienzo

Winston Campus Elementary Associate Principal

Contact Us


Have a question about Winston Campus Elementary School? We are here to help and to answer any questions you might have. We look forward to hearing from you.
Is this a bullying or safety concern? If yes, please use the D15 Tip Line to report your issue or concern.
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A boy in class.